Monday 4 November 2013

Going International Baby!

There's a cute 20 year old guy that hangs out at my building. Always wearin' dem black shades, black jacket, motherfucker this guy thinks he's he's cooler than fucking summer. He rocks a fucking black....I'm gonna say it again. BLACK jacket in the fucking blazing hot sun. So anyway, this nigga, you know I find it so hilarious saying the word nigger. Not because of its historical slavery context or any shit like that, but because it just sounds weird to say. I don't know maybe its just me. I'm just uncool like that. Anyway this nigga, walks me to school right, and I'm so convinced he's fallen in love with me. Like sooooo convinced. Nigga be telling me about his future plans and dreams in hip hop, how he's supposed to be all international and shit by now. I'm like "Whot?" Only in my evil heart though.

On the outside however, My visible expression is like, "wow, really omg!!! I'm so fucking impressed right now. U have all these great big ambitions of becoming another lil Wayne. Yeah I'm so fucking in love with guys that curse and rock tatooes. Yeah the snap backs and tatooes typa cats. Yeah tell me more, I'm so fucking turned on right now." Right that's just my daylight visible appearance. One that most people get. Like an excited emitonic. But really, I'm like what the fuck dude? International? You ain't even national, never mind that, regional, provincial local whatever. Non of that shit. What u fucking bragging about? Telling me ur boys have been holding u back. What the hell nigga.

Seriously. International. That's like me saying hey, know what I'm supposed to be on NASA's latest project right now, you know, like being the IT guy that programmes their space ship velocity, dimensions and all that shit. I was supposed to be on that Mars rover, with those cats, but nah. My girls been holding me back and shit. Nigga u gotta learn how to distinguish reality from dreams. That's all I'm saying dawg.

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